Subject: Terms and conditions for Event advertising material design
Collaboration on events is a long term project that requires a lot of coordination.
In order to have a smooth collaboration it is important to set clear rules at the beginning.
To make this simple, here is, in short, the best practice from our experience on big events:
Scope of work:
- Create main artwork that will be applied through the whole campaign
- Prepare in time all the creatives in proper format for promotion on social media and other media on client request
Owner of the artwork
- Client become the artwork owner after the campaign (event)
- During the campaign, open file (PSD) will not be accessible to client
- Artwork development time is included in campaign price
- Hours required for correcting designer error won’t be charged
- Hours required for change request on already approved banner will be chargedÂ
Delivery plan and payment plan
- Creatives will be delivered based on advertising timeline
- Payment plan will be monthly based on numbers of creatives delivered that month
- Timeline should be announced in advance so the designer can plan his schedule on time.
- Banner request with deadline shorter than 24h hours might be not delivered on time
Inputs that we have so far:
- Event date:
- Promotion campaign period:
Graphic work in the first month :
- Artwork: Development (finding elements, several artwork ideas and details)
- Formats:
- Facebook / Instagram (story) banner
- Facebook / Instagram (square profile / post) banner
- Facebook event page cover
- Facebook fan page cover
- Topics of artwork & banners for start in first month:
- ARTWORK development (several artwork ideas, and details)
- MAIN Artwork (NO DJs, just DATE, PLACE and NAME of event with websites and logos)
- Artwork with LINEUP DJs, DATE, PLACE and NAME of event with websites and logos
- Artwork with TIME TABLE of DJS, DATE, PLACE and NAME of event with websites and logos
- All DJs separately in SQUARE format with name and time of playing
- Approximate number of banners (based on topics and formats above):
- Estimate time of work (artworks & all banners listed above):
- Estimate budget: